July 2, 2006


Complete your thoughts with foreverness:

Mortal bonds and darkened lands of morality

Think without your brain

Fear the unmistaken cares

Use the portal deep within to learn extended plans

                                                             of what should never happen

Lace throughout the films of madness

                                              with vivid lectures and gentle twists

Secrete among those alive

Territorize your life: above, below, around you

Keep it tight and secure, locked against perfection

The dreary dismay in everyday life

can make them you, and you, them


- I wrote this unconsciously. I let the words fall from my pencil like droplets. I later deciphered it as strong advice to go with your gut feeling. Don't hold back or stew over a situation too long. If you know yourself well and are vividly aware of your desires, you don't need a lengthy brooding. It's important to pounce.

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